
Hilarious Photos Shows That Children’s Ideas Defy Common Sense

Even though they are our nearest and dearest, it is still impossible to tell what is going through our children’s mind and what they will do next. And the time when they are quiet is when the parents are often afraid, because they know that surprises and smells and maybe not good are waiting for them.

We love the idea of ​​cute and cute kids. Here are some of the most attractive and attractive situations.

“I asked my 6 y.o. why he used so much toilet paper. He said he wanted the cardboard cylinder for arts and crafts.”

“Me, years ago. I am vengeance. I am the night. I am the master of stealth. I am Babyman! I just tried to hide from the world.”

’’My daughter tried to help season the potatoes.’’

“My daughter keeps wearing fur-lined footwear to play in the leaves.”

“I wanted to make sure the pliers were sharp.”

“He was mad that he didn’t get to go to Taco Bell so he tried to eat a cardboard box.”

“He asked if he could bring this umbrella in case it rains.”

Apparently the fox is watching over the bedroom and on guard.”

“My wife asked the 10-year-old to take his pillow upstairs (meaning his bedroom).”

“It seems directions were needed.”

“My son didn’t want to be a tiger or a superhero, he wanted to be a traffic light.”

“I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”

“I asked the 9-year-old to put on a new roll.”

“I asked them to line up their shoes.”

“My daughter got her head stuck in the door, she was the one holding the door closed.”

“My daughter decided to charge her water bottle.”

“My daughter was feeling sick when she went to bed, so I gave her a bucket in case she had to throw up. This is how I found her later.”

’’I come home to my purple son, painted by my daughter.’’

’’She’s so into smelling her feet lately.’’

How he sleeps

’’My son eating a banana.’’

“We asked her to get in the stroller!”

“This is how my 13-year-old nephew does his homework.”

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