
17 Situations Where People Only Have One Job And Still Fail

A laptop with gray writing on the keyboard, a shower stand that is tilted so that nothing can fit in, or a traffic light that shows a continuous red and green light at the same time – it seems that something exists to annoy us. But to err is human, so we all make mistakes from time to time. In this case, all we can do is try to underestimate it.

We found some funny photos on Meme and Chill that made us wonder, “How could anyone screw this up?”

“Fixed the clock, boss!”

“Even German efficiency takes a break on the weekends.”

“The keys on my new laptop are practically invisible because the manufacturer thought gray on silver was a great idea.”

“We fixed it.”

“Best manhole cover ever”

“If you can’t fix it, make it work for you.”

“Some non-municipal company started digging up my neighbors’ lawn and mine with no disclosure to put some internet service in, broke all the sprinkler systems…”

“The whole side was barely attached. No worries though, it’s nothing 2 poorly positioned yellow straps can’t fix!”

“It’s been like this for years.”

“What is this even supposed to say?”

“This motel has a sign that says ’sorry’ and nothing else.”

“I am so confused.”

“The shelf in my shower is at an angle, and nothing stays put in it.”

“This traffic light is showing solid red and green at the same time.”

“This parking lot at my grandparents’ house”

“Trained everyone up on the security system.”


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