Video of A Man Preparing Aloo Paratha on CPU Catches Swiggy Attention
When it comes to cooking, most people would not consider using a motherboard or processor as a cooking utensil. But a viral video is changing that perception. In…

18 Times Creativity That Left Us Speechless and Happy At The Same Time
Recent advances in neuroscience have shown that the key to creativity is finding yourself in situations that take you out of your comfort zone. This happens because it challenges our brain’s tendency to take…

15+ People Are A Little Far From Having A Normal Day
If you always try to be the same, you will never know how special you can be. I hope that there are many people who often do things that they have never done. They all have their own way of creating our…

Saudi Arabia’s First Male Robot Harasses A Reporter on Live TV
Journalists play an important role in informing the public and holding individuals, including powerful corporations, to account. Violence against women, especially television presenters and journalists, is a troubling…

20 People Who Are Happy With Life, Even In The Worst Situations
As famous author and musician Anthony Shay once said, “Life is what you make of it, so make the most of it.” It is really in the simplest moments that we realize how beautiful life is. We just have to…

15 Pictures Shows That The Universe Also Has A Sense of Humor
Coincidences happen often in our lives, showing that we really live in a small world. In fact, the University of Cambridge has their entire collection, which might make…

Google Maps Misdirect German Tourists And Spending A Week in The Forest
Google Maps can always lead you astray, but two German tourists following Google Maps will pay dearly when they find themselves stranded in the middle of the Australian desert. Philipp Maier and Marcel Schoene were traveling from Cairns to Bamaga in…

18 Pictures Made Us Stop Believing Our Eyes
Have you ever had a moment when your eyes see something clearly, but your brain thinks it’s impossible? We’re sure you did. This happened to us too and…

15 Photos That Shows Life With Children Are Both Thriller and Soap Opera
All families are as different as apples and oranges, but there is one thing that remains the same for probably all happy members. It is tireless when there are children in the family. Our heroes today are those who have captured some extraordinary shots…

A Man Gets A QR Code Tattooed on His Forehead And People Want To Know Why
Have you ever seen these videos on social media that make you think and make you wonder “But why?” This video of a man getting a QR tattoo…