
What Blood Group type is the Rarest in Humans ?

Different blood types are prevalent in different parts of the world. In the United States, AB-negative is the rarest blood type, white O-positive is the most common. what blood type is the rarest / rare group in india and world. Therefore we see that the most common blood group in India is O positive.

Your blood type is based on genetics and whether it contains certain antigens. While AB/Rh-negative may be the rarest blood type in the United States, this is not the case worldwide.

Keep reading to learn more about blood types and why it’s hard to say which type is the rarest in the world. You’ll also learn why it’s important to know your blood type and how you can obtain this information.

What are blood types?

Every drop of blood contains red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. It also contains white blood cells, which help fight infection, and platelets, which help your blood clot.

But that’s not where it ends. Your blood also contains antigens, which are proteins and sugars that sit on red blood cells and give blood its type. Though there are at least 33 blood typing systems, only two are widely use. These are the ABO and the Rh-positive/Rh-negative blood group systems.

While everyone blood is made of the same basic parts, there’s a lot of variety in the kinds of blood that exist. There are eight different blood types, and the type you have depends on genes you inherit from your parents.

Most people have about 4-6 liters of blood. Your blood is made up of different kinds of cells that float in a fluid called plasma:

  • Your red blood cells deliver oxygen to the various tissues in your body and remove carbon dioxide.
  • Your white blood cells destroy invaders and fight infection.
  • Your platelets help your blood to clot.
  • Your plasma is a fluid made of proteins and salts.

What makes your blood different from someone else’s is your unique combination of protein molecules, called antigens and antibodies.

Antigens live on the surface of your red blood cells. Antibodies are in your plasma.

The combination of antigens and antibodies in your blood is the basis of your blood type.

What does Blood type mean?

You must have heard about the terms “blood group” or “blood type.” If you ever have undergone surgery or been admitted to a hospital for medical conditions, your doctor might have examined your blood for various parameters, such as blood counts and blood type. Your blood contains various cells and the liquid portion is called the plasma.

The red blood cells or RBCs present in the blood carry certain molecules, called antigens, on their surface that determine what blood group you have. The antigens depend on the genes you inherit from your parents. These antigens may be grouped in various categories to form a system for blood typing called the ABO system. Based on this classification, your blood group maybe

The Different Blood Types

There are eight different blood types:

  • A positive: This is one of the most common blood types (35.7% of the U.S. population has it). Someone with this type can give blood only to people who are A positive or AB positive.
  • A negative: Someone with this rare type (6.3% of the U.S. population) can give blood to anyone with A or AB blood type.
  • B positive: Someone with this rare type (8.5%) can give blood only to people who are B positive or AB positive.
  • B negative: Someone with this very rare type (1.5%) can give blood to anyone with B or AB blood type.
  • AB positive: People with this rare blood group type (3.4%) can receive blood or plasma of any type. They’re known as universal recipients.
  • AB negative: This is the rarest blood type — only 0.6% of the U.S. population has it. Someone with this blood type is known as a “universal plasma donor,” because anyone can receive this type of plasma.
  • O positive: This is one of the most common blood types (37.4%). Someone with this can give blood to anyone with a positive blood type.
  • O negative: Someone with this rare blood group type (6.6%) can give blood to anyone with any blood type.

What’s the Rarest blood type?

It’s hard to say which blood type is the rarest in the world because they’re linked to genetics. That means the prevalence of certain blood types varies widely in different parts of the world.

There are more than 600 other known antigens, the presence or absence of which creates “rare blood group types.”  Your blood type is considered rare if you lack antigens that 99% of the people are positive for. If you somehow lack an antigen that 99.99% are positive for, your blood type is extremely rare.

What Is A Universal Blood Donor?

Universal donors are those with an O negative blood type.  Why?  O negative blood can be used in transfusions for any blood type.

Type O is routinely in short supply and in high demand by hospitals – both because it is the most common blood type and because type O negative blood is the universal blood type needed for emergency transfusions and for immune deficient infants.

Approximately 45 percent of Caucasians are type O (positive or negative), but 51 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanics are type O. Minority and diverse populations, therefore, play a critical role in meeting the constant need for blood.

Types O negative and O positive are in high demand.  Only 7% of the population are O negative. However, the need for O negative blood is the highest because it is used most often during emergencies. The need for O+ is high because it is the most frequently occurring blood type (37% of the population).

The universal red cell donor has Type O negative blood. The universal plasma donor has Type AB blood. For more about plasma donation, visit the plasma donation facts.
  • A: This type of blood group means the RBCs have the antigen called antigen A on their surface. Apart from the ABO antigens, there is another important antigen on the RBC surface called the Rh antigen. If a person with blood group A bears Rh antigen on their RBCs, the blood group is called A+ (A positive). Likewise, if the Rh antigen is absent the person will be A- (A negative).
  • B: People with the B antigen on the RBC surface have blood group B. This can also be either blood group B+ or B- based upon the Rh antigen status.
  • O: Blood group O means that both antigens A and B are absent from the RBC surface. Blood group O can be O- (O negative) or O+ (O positive) depending upon the absence or presence of the Rh antigen on the surface of the RBCs.
  • AB: Some people may have both the antigens, A and B, on the surface of the RBCs. When both antigens are present, the blood group is call the AB blood type. This may also be AB- or AB+ depending on the absence or presence of the Rh antigen on the surface of the RBCs.

The table below includes various blood types.

Blood Types

A negative (A-) A positive (A+)
B negative (B-) B positive (B+)
AB negative (AB-) AB positive (AB+)
O negative (O-) O positive (O+)


What are the 3 rarest blood types?

The blood types vary depending on the genetic makeup of an individual. Since there are differences in the distribution of genes in different parts of the world, the rarest and most common blood groups also vary in different populations across the globe. The rarest blood type in the United States is

  • the AB- (AB negative) blood type, which is seen in just 0.6 percent of people followed by
  • B- (found in 1.5 percent of the United States population) and
  • AB+ (present in just 3.4 percent of people in the United States).

What Is the Rarest Blood Type in the World?

If you’ve ever searched the internet for the rarest blood type, you may have come up with more questions than answers. The short answer: AB negative is the rarest of the eight main blood types. Less than 1 percent of American donors are AB negative, according to the American Red Cross. AB negative blood is rare across the world, though percentages can range from 0.06 percent to 3 percent of a country’s population.

But the truth is, there are dozens of other blood types far rarer than AB, and newer, even rarer, ones could yet be discovered.

Before we get into those super-rare blood group types, let’s step back and look at what blood is made of. Everyone’s blood, regardless of their type, contains plasma. Suspended in plasma are the following components:
  • White blood cells, which fight infection
  • Platelets, which aid in clotting
  • Red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body and remove carbon dioxide

On the surface of the red blood cells are proteins and sugars called antigens. They serve as markers to characterize each cell type. There are four main antigens that make up the four main blood groups. They are know as A, B, AB and O.

A blood types have the A antigen, B blood types have the B antigen, and AB blood types have both A and B antigens. O blood types, however, have neither A nor B antigens. These ABO blood types are further classified as Rh positive or Rh negative. Rh, formerly know as Rhesus, is another protein that is found on the surface of red blood cells. People who have this Rh factor on their red blood cells are Rh positive. Those who do not are Rh negative.

This positive or negative attribute divides the four major blood groups into eight types. The population breakdown in the U.S. is as follows, according to the Stanford Blood Center:

  • O positive – 37.4%
  • O negative – 6.6%
  • A positive – 35.7%
  • A negative – 6.3%
  • B positive – 8.5%
  • B negative – 1.5%
  • AB positive – 3.4%
  • AB negative – 0.6%

If you’re interested in knowing breakdowns for other countries Since blood type is genetic. Some countries will have more of one blood type than another, depending on the ethnic makeup of the country.

What is the importance of blood type?

Your blood group varies depending on the tiny molecules called blood group antigens that are present on the surface of your red blood cells or RBCs. The antigens depend on the genes you inherit from your parents.

These antigens also determine the presence of certain antibodies against blood group antigens in your blood. Thus, a person with blood group A will not have antibodies against the A antigen in their blood. Similarly, a person with AB type of blood will not have antibodies to both blood group antigens A and B. The presence of the antibodies is responsible for the blood transfusion reactions that occur when incompatible blood is transfused into a person. rare blood group in the world/ india Your blood group determines the blood type you can receive and who you can donate your blood too.

Blood groups were discover in 1901 by an Austrian scientist name Karl Landsteiner. Before that, doctors thought all blood was the same, rare blood group in the world/ india so many people were dying from blood transfusions.

Now experts know that if you mix blood from two people with different blood types, the blood can clump, which may be fatal. That’s because the person receiving the transfusion has antibodies that will actually fight the cells of the donor blood, causing a toxic reaction.

In order for a blood transfusion to be safe and effective, it’s important for the donor and the recipient to have blood types that go together. People with blood group A can safely get group A blood, and people with blood group B can receive group B blood.It’s best when a donor and recipient are an exact match and their blood goes through a process called crossmatching. But the donor doesn’t always need to have the exact same type of blood as the person receiving it. Their types just have to be compatible.

Blood Type Compatibility for Transfusion

Blood type Can donate blood to people with these blood groups Can receive blood from people with these blood groups
A negative (A-) A-, A+, AB-, AB+ A-, O-
A positive (A+) A+, AB+ A+, A-, O+, O-
B negative (B-) B-, B+, AB-, AB+ B-, O-
B positive (B+) B+, AB+ B+, B-, O+, O-
AB negative (AB-) AB-, AB+ AB-, A-, B-, O-
AB positive (AB+) AB+ All Blood Types
O negative (O-) All Blood Types O-
O positive (O+) O+, A+, B+, AB+ O+, O-


What are the rarest blood types?

There are eight main blood types but some are rarer than others. rare blood group in the world/ india The list below shows the percentage of donors with each blood type:

  • O positive: 35%
  • O negative: 13%
  • A positive: 30%
  • A negative: 8%
  • B positive: 8%
  • B negative: 2%
  • AB positive: 2%
  • AB negative: 1%

what blood type is rare

Positive or negative blood

The D antigen in the Rh system determines whether you have positive or negative blood.

If you have the Rh D antigen, your blood type is positive. If you lack the Rh D antigen, your blood type is negative.

77% of our donors are Rh D positive.

There are four other main antigens in the Rh system. Your combination of these makes up your blood subtype.

What causes blood types?

It took us a while to grasp the intricacies of blood, but today, we know that this life-sustaining substance consists of:

  • Red blood cells — cells that carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide throughout the body;
  • White blood cells — immune cells that protect the body against infection and foreign agents;
  • Platelets — cells that help blood clot; and
  • Plasma — a liquid that carries salts and enzymes.

Each component has a part to play in blood’s function, but the red blood cells are responsible for our differing blood types. These cells have proteins covering their surface called antigens, and the presence rare blood group in the world/ india  or absence of particular antigens determines blood type — type A blood has only A antigens, type B only B, type AB both, and type O neither. Red blood cells sport another antigen called the RhD protein. When it is present, a blood type is said to be positive; when it is absent, it is said to negative. The typical combinations of A, B, and RhD antigens give us the eight common blood types (A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-).

what blood type is rare

Most Common and Rarest Blood Group in India

Blood, as you know, is the life fluid. Its flow in our circulatory system makes our life possible. 45% of the blood is made up of the Red Blood Cells (RBC) and 55% is plasma. The most widely rare blood group in the world/ india  use blood categorization system is called the ABO system. It is based on the antigens (proteins) found on the surface of RBCs.

  • If antigen A is present on the RBC surface, blood type will be A
  • If antigen B is present on the RBC surface, blood type will be B
  • In case both these antigens are present, blood type will be AB
  • If none of these is antigens is present on the RBC surface, blood type will be O
  • These four blood groups are find in two versions — positive and negative. Yesterday we publish an article about the world’s rarest blood type. rare blood group in the world / India. A reader ask us a relate question on what are the most commonly found blood groups in the Indian population? Today we will discuss the same.

Because blood type is a trait that is genetically determined — blood types tend to show prevalence in a geographic area.

The Rarest Blood Types

It is possible for someone to have a complete absence of Rh antigens. These people have a blood type referred to as Rhnull. It was first discovered about 50 years ago in an Aboriginal Australian and is extremely rare — rare blood group in the world/ india less than 50 people have know to have Rhnull blood.

Rhnull is sometimes refer to as “golden blood.” That’s because it’s worth its weight in gold, at least in the sense that it is consider a “universal” blood that anyone with rare types of blood within the Rh system could use in times of crisis. But the crux is that people with Rhnull blood can only receive blood from Rhnull donors.

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