
15+ Unbelievable Events You’d Only Witness at the Airport

The airport is a unique realm with its own rules and quirks, where you can encounter a variety of people and find yourself in amusing situations.

Meme and Chill aims to showcase some extraordinary sights that are exclusive to the airport experience.

Nothing, not even travel, should change your habits.

How did these guys pass security?

Is he one of Santa’s helpers?

You can even take a photo with a celebrity.

And another one.

Or, you can see birds flying to Switzerland…

These pictures are amazing.

They are so cute!

You will see some new and inventive sleeping positions.

You might also realize that you’re not really having a bad day.

Some people get really creative.

Why? How?

A great way to not lose your luggage.

So moving!

“A friend of mine saw this traveler and his falcons at Doha Airport in Qatar. Right, why not travel with them?”

Everyone kills time in any way they can: some of us rest.

Some of us snack.

Some of us role play.

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