
15 Photos That Show The Genius of Young Minds

At birth, the brain of an average baby is about a quarter the size of the brain of an average adult. Incredibly, it doubles in size in the first year. It continues to grow to around 80% adult size at 3 years old and 90% (near adult) at 5 years old. However, let’s clear things up. Children can go on a long journey of physical development. But when it comes to creativity, young minds sometimes shine so brightly that they completely blind adults with their wit and comedic prowess.

Today at Meme and chill we want to introduce you to 15 images of children who channel their inner creative genius, absolutely amaze everyone around them with their innovative thinking and sense of humor.

“My 12-year-old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding.”

“My 9-year-old daughter bedazzled our remote. It’s very pretty but quite challenging to find the button you need.”

“My 9-year-old cousin’s invention — I think he did good.”

“My kid made me lunch before I headed off to work this morning.”

“Probably doesn’t look like much to you guys, but my little brother (8) made me a cake for my birthday all by himself (17+3).”

“My son tells me he made a home theater…”

“This is how my son tracks positions during NASCAR…”

“This kid made a top hat out of Pokémon cards.”

“My kid, changing the way you define lazy”

“My little bother wearing gloves on his feet when walking in the woods because he left his shoes inside”

“My son got some sheets of cardboard from school. This helmet was the result.”

“My daughter made her a rat hat.”

“My daughter’s excuse for not doing her homework: ’I can’t…Oz won’t give me my desk back!’”

“My son made a smile on his Lego Creeper, and when I asked him why he did that, he said, “Everyone deserves to be happy.”

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