When life gives you lemon, you can make lemonade or make funny things from them and add “skin” (even intended) to your life. And that is what some people do when faced with certain challenges. They combine their ingenuity and sense of humor to produce solutions that are not only successful but also make other people laugh.
Meme and chill collected some photos that show silly ways people decide to overcome the problem, and who knows, maybe we can take one page from their books.
“Sent my husband to buy a baby shower gift bag.”

“My husband is technologically challenged.”

“This farm boy ain’t paying $19 for a phone holder.”

“My brother was tired of coming over to fix the TV for my parents because they pushed the wrong button.”

“This is how my hubby left our mattress box for 6 months so I wouldn’t nag him. How can anyone be mad at googlies…?”

Yep, that should do it.

“My 11-year-old scotch-taped the phone to his face so he could play on the Xbox and talk at the same time.”

“When you forget your spoon at home”

“I ran out of wrapping paper and had to improvise. It’s nearly unnoticeable.”

“My little sister had trouble solving the Rubik’s Cube, so she ripped off the sticker part. Now she solved it.”

“My parents’ cats have been attacking too many birds in the backyard. Here’s solution #1.”

“Forgot to get a fork for my salad and chicken. Only needed a few zip ties and tape.”

“Graduated from home. Had to improvise on the regalia.”

“When you’re in a heat wave and don’t own an air conditioner”

“Custom paint job”

“I was asked to make a sign for the men’s bathroom, and this is what I came up with.”

“Toilet paper ran out, problem solved.

“My son and I found some ants on the porch. He ran into the house and came back wearing this to scare them away.”