
How Many Languages are In India

How many official languages of india. Detailed Info About India Here is a look at some of the major National language ​​spoken in India. The country that occupies most of South Asia, is also one of the rapidly developing countries. In the world, India is also the seventh largest country by area. With a population of over 1.2 billion.

It is made up of a diverse population belonging to different nationalities and religions. Many languages ​​are spoken in India, let’s explore them.

We all know the importance of language to facilitate communication and correspondence between individuals. It is not surprising therefore, that the language of any. Country is the medium that makes communication between its people possible. Like various nationalities, India is made up of people who speak different languages. According to some statistics, there are about 121 languages ​​spoken in the country by over 10,000 people. In addition, more than 19,500 languages ​​or dialects are spoken as the mother tongue in India.

Here is a look at some of the major languages ​​spoken in India. So, if you are planning to turn to India for your business national language of india. These are the languages ​​you should translate your content into!

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Which Languages Are Spoken In India?

Did you know that India has 22 official languages? Here’s an overview of what these languages are. Why Hindi is so prevalent and the current state of English in India today.
The first thing you need to know about India’s linguistic landscape. national language of india Is that it’s impossible to speak about an ‘Indian language’ as if there were only one. Did you know that if two unknown Indians met randomly on the street. There would only be a 36% chance that they would understand each other? Of course, that 36% depends a lot on their ethnicity and place of origin.

What’s India’s national language?

Many people you ask might say that India’s national language is Hindi, but this is not the case. It’s a natural answer to give, of course. National language of india Hindi has around 615 million speakers and back in 2001. 53.6% of the Indian population stated that they speak Hindi as either their first or second language.

However, as well as the languages that are indigenous to India. Two others have historically had a pretty significant impact on the rest: Persian and English.

‘The Indian Language’ Is Actually 22 Separate Official Languages

The Indian constitution recognizes 22 official languages. Bengali Hindi Maithili Nepalese Sanskrit Tamil. Urdu, Assamese, Dogri, Kannada, Gujarati, Bodo, Manipur, Oriya, Marathi, Santali, Telugu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Malayalam, Konkani and Kashmiri. Tamil and Sanskrit are the only two official classical languages.

The states of India were organized based on the common language spoken in each region. And while Hindi is the official language of the central government in India. Along with English, individual state legislatures can adopt any regional language as the official language of their state.

Many children in India grow up in a bilingual environment. Because their parents speak different languages. Because they’re surrounded by a community that originates from another part of the country.

The literacy rate in India is 71.2% and most private schools. Strive to motivate children to learn several languages sometimes beginning in primary school. Public schools teach in the vernacular, but there has been an effort to incorporate more English classes throughout the years.

national language of india

The ‘Hindi Belt’

The Hindi Belt, or Desh Hindi refers to the areas of India. Mostly in the north where Hindi is the official language:

  • Himachal Pradesh
  • Delhi
  • Haryana
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Bihar
  • Uttaranchal
  • Jharkhand
  • Rajasthan
  • Chhattisgarh

The Persian-speaking Turks who invaded the plains of the Gang and Punjab in the early. 11th century named the language spoken there Hindi. The Persian word for the language of the land of the Indus River. Hindi is the fourth most natively spoken language in the world. Almost 425 million people speak Hindi as a first language. Although only 12% of Hindi natives are multilingual, about 120 million people in India speak it as a second language.

From a linguistic point of view, Hindi belongs to the huge family of Indo-European languages, particularly to the Indo-Aryan branch. It stems from Sanskrit, which is written from left to right (like English). Most Importantly And national language of india most of its words are pronounced as they’re written.

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Languages of India

But this post is about languages indigenous to India – so let’s take a look at those! Hindi’s position as the most spoken language. Partly down to the fact that it is used as a lingua franca across. A lot of northern and central regions. Skipping English, Bengali comes in second, with a significant number of speakers in the east and north-east.

Top 14 Languages in India (by number of speakers, millions)
(Source: Ethnologies, 2019, 22nd edition)


language speakers (millions)
Hindi 615
Bengali 265
Urdu 170
Punjabi 126
Marathi 95
Telugu 93
Tamil 81
Gujarati 61
Kannada 56
Odia 38
Malayalam 38
Assamese 15
Santali 7
Sanskrit 5

What are the main languages spoken in India?

As you can see, there are 14 languages in India that have over five million speakers. We aren’t going to look at all of them – this post would end up way too long! – but we’ll be taking a closer look at these five: Gujarati, Malayalam, Bengali, Odia, and Telugu.

India’s linguistic diversity is vast, with the Constitution officially recognizing 22 languages. This acknowledgment reflects the rich cultural and historical tapestry of the nation, underscoring the variety of dialects and languages spoken across its regions. From these 22 official languages, including india official languages Hindi and English which serve as the primary modes of communication in government and business. The phrase “how much language in India” might seem informal.

Whether discussing the number of languages in India, the total languages spoken, or the specific 22 languages of India listed in Hindi, each aspect contributes to a broader understanding of India’s cultural depth. The inquiry into “how many languages speak in India” or “how many languages of India” reveals the country’s dynamic linguistic environment, where multiple languages coexist and enrich the national fabric. This diversity is not merely about numbers; it’s about the stories, histories, and identities that these languages carry and preserve. India does not have a national language, but Hindi, in the Devanagari script. The total languages spoken in India, including the 22 official ones, are integral to its identity, showcasing the country’s commitment to embracing and preserving its linguistic diversity.


national language of india

The Languages in India

The Hindi language has been derived from the Sanskrit language.  Many languages like Arabic, Dravidian, English, Persian, and Turkish have influence on it.

The types of Hindi spoken in India include Braj, Awadi, and Khadi Bhasha. If you need Hindi translation services, we have got you covered!

The Most Spoken Languages in India

The most spoken language in India is Hindi. It is one of the official languages of the country, with about 52.83 crore people speaking it. According to the census of 2011. The number of people whose mother tongue is Hindi has increased as compared to 2001. In 2001,

only 41.03% of people spoke Hindi as their mother tongue, which increased to 43.6% in 2011. In addition, Hindi is also the fourth most spoken language in the world after Mandarin, Spanish, and English. This just goes to show how many people speak Hindi in India.

The Hindi language has been derived from the Sanskrit language.  Many languages like Arabic, Dravidian, English, Persian, and Turkish have influence on it. Currently all major states of the country. Including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, and Himachal Pradesh speak the Hindi language.

The types of Hindi spoken in India include Braj, Awadi, and Khadi Bhasha. If you need Hindi translation services, we have got you covered!

how many languages india


Not many people are aware of this, but the language in which India’s national anthem was written in Bengali. The second most-spoken language in India, Bengali has a population of 9.72 crore speakers—a huge 8% of the total population. Bengali is the most popular language in most of the Indian states. Including the Nicobar Islands situated in the far northeast of India.

A descendant of the secular language of the old. Indio-Aryan branch of languages, Bengali has a strong influence of Persian and Arabic. However, Bengali has variations in different states, with differing usage, words, phonetic forms, and vocabulary.

The locations in India where it is most spoken are the eastern states of West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, and Tripura. Other than that, people in the Middle East, Australia, America, Japan, Canada, and the UK also speak Bengali.


Just like Telugu, the roots of the Tamil language belong to the Dravidian language. It is the official language in both Singapore and Sri Lanka. Besides people in India also speak it, a population of 6.9 crore people use the Tamil language. Moreover, Tamil is one of the most ancient languages of the world which is currently surviving. Besides, some states in southern India, near the coast of Sri Lanka, speak Tamil.


This might be a surprise to many, but a large population in India—about 5 crore people speak the Urdu language. The Urdu language is the official language in some states of Bihar, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, and Telangana. The language is not just limited to Pakistan, it is also commonly spoken in India as well.


Originating from the family of Indo-Aryan languages. Gujarati is also an Indo-Aryan language, and a huge 5.5 crore people in India speak it. The language is the official language in the state of Gujarat, situated in north-western

India. Moreover, the Gujarati language is one of the oldest ones in India as it has evolved from Sanskrit.

how many languages india



One of the official languages of India, Odia is mostly spoken in the far Odisha state. More than 3.75 crore speakers use. Moreover, this language across the country and is definitely not a new language that cannot be learned.


Malayalam is a language that has 3.48 crore speakers in India. Most people in the states of Pondicherry, Kerala, and Lakshadweep speak this language. The roots of the language are the same as that of Telugu and Tamil, which is Dravidian.


When it comes down to discussing the languages most commonly spoken in India, English is one of them. With a population of 2,59,678 speakers. How many official languages of india. Similarly the English language is also one of the official languages of India’s federal government. It is the official language in some Indian states such as Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh.


Spoken by almost 4.37 crore speakers in India, the percentage of people speaking it is increasing. Kannada is one of the Dravidian languages and is the oldest surviving one in the Indian subcontinent. Moreover, people outside India also use this language. For instance, people living in places like Australia, Canada, and the United States speak Kannada. Other than that, there are approximately 4.37 crore speakers of the Kannada language. Which has more than 20 different dialects in Kannada.


The most spoken language in India is Hindi. It is one of the official languages of the country, Secondly with about 52.83 crore people speaking it. In other words According to the census of 2011, the number of people. How many official languages of india. Whose mother tongue is Hindi has increased as compared to 2001. In 2001. SO only 41.03% of people spoke Hindi as their mother tongue, which increased to 43.6% in 2011. In addition, Hindi is also the fourth most spoken language in the world after Mandarin, Spanish, and English. This just goes to show how many people speak Hindi in India. How many official languages of india. Detailed Info About India Here is a look at some of the major National language ​​spoken in India.


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