
Hilarious Photos That Will Make You Huff and Laugh

When we laugh, time seems to stand still and nothing else matters. Snorting and laughing is our favorite activity, and the best part is that we can do it with a stranger, with friends or with our family, and let’s not forget, with our pets. A dad’s creativity in repairing the lawn mower can make us all laugh no matter where we come from.

We believe that laughing is the best recipe for a perfect day, and here are a few people who have shared their sense of humor with us.

“The is me, circa 2014, on the left. Kim Kardashian on the right, 2021. Who wore it better?”

“My daughter and our cat look like they’re up to something.”

“My 8-year-old daughter made this for me. I don’t have the heart to tell her.”

“My wife found this on one of her tables today at work.”

“Cleaning service left a flyer and envelope asking for a tip. After one day in the rental, I’d say mop the floors.”

“A fortune cookie I left for a colleague.”

“This sign I saw for a volunteer fire department”

“Someone who works at a charity shop put Jeff Goldblum in every single photo frame.”

“Noticed a section of the hedge had turned brown and died. Mentioned it to my husband, came home to this…”

“I think my attempt at growing tomatoes turned out rather well.”

“Found this sign outside a restaurant bathroom.”

“My dad asked me to clean my hair from the sink. I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about. Then I came home to this.”

“If my long gaming experience taught me something, is that I haven’t unlocked this part of the world yet.”

“The second day of life and my daughter is already not impressed.”

“My wife tried the piping bag for the first time.”

“My Dad ’fixed’ my lawnmower.”

“Celebrating my first divorce-versary and the office girls bought me a cake.”

“I saved this little squirrel but my cat wasn’t very pleased.”

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