
Hilarious People Who Can Be Easily Spotted in A Crowd

Some people are too bright and unique to fit in the crowd. No, they’re made to stand out: a guy with vampire teeth and a woman walking peacefully with her pigeon. You never know who will appear when you step out, this is what makes life vibrant and exciting.

Today at Meme and Chill we’re going to show you some people who are so unique that they are basically attention-grabbing professionals.

“Pant leg cleverly repurposed as a hat”

“This guy brought his gaming super computer into the public library. In several suitcases.”

“Spotted this gem on the metro.”

“This guy I saw at a Starbucks with a badass outfit.”

“Also being 6‘6” in Japan”

“I dyed my beard to raise money for cancer research. In total, I raised $1,000! ”

“Girlfriend asked for a romantic horse ride on the beach and a picture for her mom. This was the result.”

“It took 3 cans of spray and a block of foam, but man I’m pretty.”

“Einstein achieved time travel (subway, Buenos Aires )”

“Family on a scooter”

“I encountered this woman in Seattle walking a pigeon.”

“My son has real vampire teeth and his favorite food is ketchup.”

“My almost 2-meter-tall friend is having some trouble at the ATM.”

“A customer walked into my store wearing this.”

“Flamingo mustache I grew for movember charity”

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