
Health Benefits of Avocado

Health Benefits of Avocado

Health Benefits of Avocado. It is also known as Alligator Pear are one of the most rich, delicious, and satisfying foods on the planet., Not only the texture and fragrance are amazing, but some amazing health benefits also come packed in this pear-shaped fruit.

“Avocados are known to be high in total fat. However, more than 75 per cent of the total fat in an avocado is good, unsaturated fat.”

One study out this year found that regular avocado eaters have higher intakes of fiber, vitamins E and K, magnesium and potassium—pretty darn impressive! I eat avocado in at least one meal each day, and I love how versatile they are for cooking (more on that below), but there’s also more health-related news to share.


Proven & Surprising Health Benefits of Avocado | Healthiest Fruit in World

1# Keeps Your Heart Healthy:

Avocado oil has an unusually high concentration of beta-sitosterol, a type of cholesterol which our bodies can use to convert less healthy fats into forms which are more usable and less damaging to cells. Because avocado oil is anti-inflammatory, it can help to prevent damage to arterial walls which in turn lowers the risk of heart disease caused by plaque deposits.

2# They’re Nutrient Boosters:

Enjoying avocado at mealtime can help your body absorb more antioxidants from other healthy foods. In one Ohio State study, when men and women ate salads and salsa topped with 2.5 tablespoons of avocado, they absorbed over 8 times more alpha-carotene and 13 times more beta-carotene—phytonutrients known to fight cancer and heart disease. Another recent study found that pairing avocado with tomato sauce and carrots boosts absorption of the veggies’ vitamin A, a key nutrient needed for healthy skin, vision, and immunity.

3# Control Blood Pressure:

The high potassium and folate content in avocado helps to regulate blood pressure, protecting your body against circulatory diseases, heart problems and stroke.

4# Grows Hair Faster & Fuller:

The same nutrients in avocado oil which make it ideal for moisturising and feeding skin are also exceptionally nourishing for your hair. After cleansing your hair, apply avocado oil alone or mixed with your favourite hair- and scalp-friendly essential oils to improve both the appearance and structure of existing hair while at the same time promoting healthier and faster growth of new strands.

5# Vanishes Bad breath:

The avocado is one of the best natural mouth wash and a remedy for bad breath.

6# Improves Digestion :

Try adding avocado oil to your food to fix the indigestion problem. The vitamins, minerals, and monounsaturated fatty acids in avocado oil all help the digestive tract to process food more efficiently.

7# Helps to Control Arthritis:

Osteoarthritis is a painful disease of joint inflammation and soreness that affects millions of people in the world. Avocado is one of the few foods consistently reported to reduce arthritic pain.

8# Accelerates Wound Healing:

It can also speed up the healing process. Your skin will knit up faster and with less chance of scarring.

9# Protect from Prostate Cancer:

It helps to prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells and may even help repair the damaged cells.

10# Improve Eyesight/Vision:

Avocado improves eyesight and prevent eye problems like astigmatism, cataracts and glaucoma.

11# Helps You Lose Weight:

Avocado oil can help you lose weight with regular exercise. Avocado oil is thick and full of powerful nutrients. It will make you feel fuller faster and keep your appetite satisfied longer.

12# Beauty Aid:

The oil extracted is widely used in preparation of beauty products. These includes creams, oils, cleansers and moisturisers to prevent the ageing effect of dehydration.

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