
150+ Best Funny Questions to Ask in Hindi and English

150+ Funny Questions to Ask. Here is Best Funny Questions in Hindi and English and Hindi There are silly questions that are mostly meaningless.

Sometimes all we need is a good laugh, but we often run out of ideas for starting really fun conversations. Funny questions in hindi While we can ask our friends a lot of questions, they can be boring or dry.

Funny questions to ask to laugh a lot for no reason, and let ourselves as hell. Today we have an article full of these kinds of questions. There are silly questions that are mostly meaningless, but they can make you laugh out loud because of their stupidity. And the most important thing is that they go with different people with a different sense of humor.

You can ask your friends, colleagues, strangers, groups of people. Some of them might make you have some weird looks or faces frozen in silence, but I’m sure you’ll get over it.

Funny questions to ask list.

1. Is cereal soup? Why or why not?

2. What is the sexiest and least sexy name?

3. What secret conspiracy would you like to start?

4. What’s invisible but you wish people could, see?

5. What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?

6. Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?

7. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?

8. What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

9. What is something that everyone looks doing?

10. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?

11. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?

12. What are the unwritten rules of where you work?

13. How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?

14. What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?

15. What kind of secret society would you like to start?

16. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

Funny Questions to ask

1. What weird/embarrassing thing can find in your search history?

2. What is the most inappropriate object in your fridge?

3. What is the name you heard that made you question humans’ imagination?

4. Tell us about your experience in hotel.

5. What would be your parents’ reaction if they took a look in your messenger?

6. What was the most embarrassing “caught in 4K” moment?

7. In three people you hate the most which one would you choose to kill, marry and kiss?

8. Which TV series would be most suitable for your life?

9. How many chickens are necessary to kill hippo?

10. What was the most shocking thing you caught your guest doing in your house?

11. What weirdest subject had you found in your friend’s house?

12. If you had to choose between brushing your teeth or wiping butt which one would you choose to do for life?

13. Name the most terrible “1+1” sale idea.

14. Is snake animal or tail?

15.If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

funny questions hindi

Why Questions Funny

  1. Can you tell me one memory that you’ve never shared with me?
  2. Which movie would you want it to be if your life was a movie?
  3. What is the soundtrack of your life?
  4. If Donkey Kong is a monkey, not a donkey, why was he given that name?
  5. How would you show that you were from the future if you were transported 200 years into the past with no clothing or anything else?
  6. How do you sleep, with your eyes open or closed?
  7. Have you ever failed to prepare for an exam before the day you were supposed to take it?
  8. Who would help who if we were to help each other cheat on a test?
  9. Do you ever cry while watching an emotional film?
  10. Have you ever come into contact with human remains?
  11. What is worse during a kiss – a sneeze or a cough?

  12. If you had to start a rumor, what would it be?

  13. Why is a burger not a sandwich?

  14. If you could cosplay in the birthday party of the person you hate the most, what character would you play?

    why funny questions

Why Funny Questions

  1. Have you ever failed while you were trying to look cool in front of important people/crush?

  2. Which song you always refuse you like, because it’s embarrassing but you really enjoy it?

  3. Which joke is not even close to funny but can make you laugh?

  4. If life was like a musical, people start dancing and singing out of nowhere, what would you do?

  5. Name the wildest bet you’ve ever lost?

  6. In a zombie apocalypse, if a kiss could make those zombies humans again, would you do it?

  7. How do other fishes notice if a fish cries underwater?

  8.  Why do we call it lipstick if it doesn’t stick our lips together?

  9.  What makes New Zealand new?

    Also Read: Funny And Shocking Photoshop Mistakes That Should Never Have Been Posted Online

  10. Do you think poison is the most fruitful sleeping medicine?

  11. Why do we call cold things “chilled”, meanwhile chilies are called hot?

  12. If you could be in any movie, what would it be?
  13.  If you were some fruits, what fruit would you be?
  14.  What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase?
  15.  What is the worst song ever?
  16. What’s the most fruitless talent you have?
  17. Name what sounds like a compliment but it’s actually an insult.
  18. Milk before cereals, or cereals before milk?
  19. What is the coolest sound?
  20. What name would your pet give you if you have changed roles?
  21. If there wasn’t candy, what would children ask for Halloween?
  22. What would be the worst bio for dating app?
  23. What is the most annoying colour?
  24. Do you sleep with or without socks?
  25. What’s the most useless word?
  26. What sound would be the scariest if you could hear it?
  27. If you had an opportunity to ask your pet 1 question, what it would be?
  28. What superhero/villain would make the best the rapist?
  29. What fictional character do you think you are most like?
  30. If you could replace grass with anything you want, what would you choose?
  31. What Disney princess would make the best spy?
  32. What would be the name of bedroom without bed?
  33.  If your phone could talk, what is the most embarrassing thing that it would reveal about you?

  34. If violence is not the answer, then is it the question?

Funny Question in Hindi

1. अमेरिका में एक बच्चे का जन्म हुआ तो आप बताइए उस बच्चे के दांतो का रंग क्या होगा.?

उत्तर : कभी पैदा हुए बच्चे के दांत देखे हैं क्या🤣

2. जब सोहन 6 साल का था तो उसकी बहन उससे अधिक उम्र की थी अब सोहन 40 साल का है, तो उसकी बहन की उम्र कितनी होगी.?

उत्तर : उसकी बहन की उम्र 37 थी. क्या आपने 20 सोचा था क्या जो बिल्कुल गलत  उत्तर है🤣

3. दुनिया का सबसे पहला आलू कहां पाया गया था.?

उत्तर : दुनिया का सबसे पहला आलू जमीन के नीचे पाया गया था.

4. विराट ने जडेजा को पेप्सी मंगवाई पर जडेजा ने रोहित को जाकर सबसे पहले पेप्सी दी बताइए ऐसा क्यों.?

उत्तर : क्योंकि रोहित ओपनर है ना😅

5.  12.99 को हिंदी में गाके क्या कहेंगे.?

उत्तर : 13 होने लगा हूं.🤣

6. बताओ लगातार दो दिन तक बारिश क्यों नहीं हो सकती है.?

उत्तर : क्योंकि बीच में रात आ जाती है

7. एक घर में एक अंधा एक बहरा और एक लंगड़ा रहता है बताओ आटा पिसाने चक्की कौन जाएगा.?

उत्तर :  कोई नहीं, क्योंकि आटा भी कोई पीस आता है क्या.🤣🤣

8. 3 डॉक्टरों ने कहा पप्पू उनका भाई है पर पप्पू ने कहा कि उसका तो कोई भाई नहीं है बताओ ऐसा क्यों.?

उत्तर : क्योंकि तीनों डॉक्टर उसकी बहने हैं.

9. ऐसा कौन सा जानवर है जो कुछ भी हो जाए हमें समझ में रहता है.?

उत्तर : सांप , क्योंकि उसके पास Fun है.

10. एक टकली लड़की ऑटो में जा रही है बताओ इसे अंग्रेजी में क्या कहेंगे

उत्तर : ऑटोमेटिक अली

Also Read: Best Funny Math Jokes and Math Puns for Kids

Funny Questions Hindi

11. लॉकअप और लॉकडाउन में क्या अंतर है

उत्तर : लॉकअप में अंदर जाने पर पिटाई पड़ती है और लोग डाउन में बाहर जाने पर पिटाई पड़ती है.

12. एक सेट में मॉल खोली अब वह ग्राहक को माल बुलाने के लिए क्या बोलेगा.

उत्तर : मॉल मेरे,मौला मेरे

13. अगर गुलाब को चांद पर भेजना है तो क्या कहेंगे

उत्तर : गुलाब जा मुन

14. माता पिता के बाद सबसे ज्यादा आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा कौन देता है

उत्तर : बस का कंडक्टर

15. शादी के लिए पप्पू ने लड़की को पूछा” अपना शिक्षण हिंदी में बताने का कष्ट करेंगे.?  लड़की ने कहा ” आंख चाय आंख”  पप्पू तो बेहोश हो गया पर आप बताओ लड़की ने क्या पढ़ा है.

उत्तर : ITI

16.  बहुत आसान सवाल है तो बताइए जो रियल में ना हो उसे क्या कहते हैं

उत्तर : नारियल

Funny Questions in Hindi

Funny questions hindi Ask. Here is Best Funny Questions in Hindi and English and Hindi There are silly questions that are mostly meaningless.

17. एक बिल्डिंग में 10 वें माले पर एक इंटरव्यू में कैंडिडेट को कहा गया कि आप खिड़की से कूद जाए अगर आप बचे तो हम आपको कंपनी में ले लेंगे बताओ कैंडिडेट इंटरव्यू में कैसे सिलेक्ट हुआ

उत्तर : वह खिड़की में चढ़ा और अंदर की तरफ से कूद गया

18. मछलियां अपने पैसे कहां रखती हैं

उत्तर : रिवर बैंक में

19. ऐसी कौन सी सिटी है जो पूरी दुनिया में सबसे Shocking City है
उत्तर : इलेक्ट्रिसिटी

20.  ऐसी कौन सी Sea है जिसमें Waves है लेकिन वहां पानी नहीं है

उत्तर : BBC

21. वह कौन है जिसके पास जियो है और पैर नहीं है फिर भी वह बोलता भी है और चलता भी है

उत्तर :पैसा

22. ऐसा क्या है जिसका देह फौलाद जैसा सख्त है पर वह है इतना शर्मीला की गर्मी में पानी पानी हो जाता है.

उत्तर : बर्फ

23. ऐसा कौनसा ड्राइवर है जिसे लाइसेंस की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती.

उत्तर :स्क्रू ड्राइवर

24. आप एक ऐसे रूम में हैं जहां आपने देखा कि बंदर के हाथ में केला है खरगोश के हाथ में गाजर है कुत्ते के मुंह में हड्डी है तो बताइए उस रूम में सबसे बुद्धिमान प्राणी कौन सा है
उत्तर : आप ही है सबसे बुद्धिमान प्राणी

25. ऐसा कौन सा अंधेरा है जो रोशनी से बनता है

उत्तर : परछाई

26. अगर 3 बिल्ली 3 चूहे 3 मिनट में खाती है तो 100 बिल्ली 10 चूहे कितने मिनट में खाएगी

उत्तर : 3 मिनट में

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