Between ages 12 and 17 years, began to change to provide a way for adult life, a stage known as “teenagers.” This transition brings endless emotions and entertaining life lessons, and one of them is whatever happens, you must remain loyal to your style … Even if you are fully regretting it later.
Meme and Chill collect some photos that remind us that youth fashion is nothing more than experiment.
“In my bedroom, before heading to a Marilyn Manson concert around 2003”

“I love cringing at my old scene/emo phase.”

“My pal’s uncle”

“I thought I was cool and edgy in 5th grade…”

“Well, we all had an emo and weeb phase at the same time….right?”

“I didn’t think I would ever change, but 7 years definitely made a difference.”

“I made my own headbands, shirts… and hair!”

“My friend gave me permission to post this early 2000’s glam.”

“Me at 16, emo wannabe with my horribly applied eyeliner. God I was edgy.”

“The only reason I didn’t wear black everyday was because my mom still picked out my clothes. Here I am making my edgy dreams a reality.”

“My wife (in red) and her cousin, on their way to see Avril Lavigne”

“The year was 2003, I left the house like this on a regular basis.”

“2011 was a wild time.”

“2009. Slipknot and anime were my life.”

“15-year-old me loved pony bead bracelets, and taking totally-not-staged candid photos.”

“We thought we were so cool on the way to our first gig at 15. I’m in the middle.”

“2009 (I was 12 years old) father-daughter church dance. The dress code was formal, if you couldn’t tell.”

“It’s not a phase, mom!”

“5 years ago I thought it’d be a good idea to make a dress and wear it to school. It’s made entirely out of trash bags and duct tape.”

“When 12-year-old me found white face powder at Hot Topic and took my scene phase to a new low…”

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