Funny -1000 IQ workers | Meme And Chill

According to UN data on life expectancy, women live four to five years longer than men on average. Unfortunately, we’re confident that this article can back up those…

Life is set boss if you adopt these Devices

Life is set boss if you adopt these Devices | Meme and Chill

Necessity is the mother of invention,’ we’ve heard since we were children. Jugaad can be found everywhere in everyday life. We never miss an opportunity to make a…

These Funny things that even your son cant do

These Funny things that even your son cant do

Humans, like every other living creature on the planet, make mistakes. The only difference is that some people make big mistakes, while others, like maharathis, make mistakes even…

Funny how people use their bike and cars

Funny how people use their bike and cars

There is no shortage of train enthusiasts in India. The people of this country will suit their needs and leisure. Fans of expensive trains are not lacking only…

Funny Celebrities Posts that make you laugh | Funny memes

Celebrities can make a difference in our lives, but one thing that unites us all is fun. If there were any charm-o-meters that could measure the pleasure and…

Funny problem looked like crazy | Funny memes

Sometimes all we can do is laugh and take pictures. Very well. Smile strengthens the immune system and releases endorphins (our body’s ‘liver’ medicine) to reduce pain, burn…

It's so much funny memes

It’s so much funny memes

You may feel anger and resentment when you buy or borrow a book from the library or school and look for a damaged book. But in rare cases,…

Funny Makeup Fails That Make People Laugh

Here is some funny makeup fails and funny eye makeup ideas you have a laugh at these hilarious makeup fails Instagram has an endless list of talented Makeup…

people standing weirdly

Funny Pictures of People Who are Standing Weirdly

We all have strange habits and unique traits. And most of us do it unconsciously and obsessively. Biting their nails, sharing and talking to each other are just…