17 Pictures Can Make You Feel Different
All of us can feel at least 27 different emotions, scientists said. Sometimes life gives us such a bad show that we can feel many of these feelings at the same time. We bet you’re in a situation where you don’t know whether to laugh or cry, nod or roll your eyes. We at…

18 People Wipe The Floor With Common Sense
At the age of 3, children begin to develop critical thinking skills, but those included in this list seem to have passed that time completely. We at Meme and chill like to take a break in the middle of the…

15+ Funny Pictures to Make Your Day Better
Sometimes we experience many small annoying things at the same time, which can greatly affect our mood and make it worse. The best solution in this situation is humor – it can distract from these issues and reminds us…

18 Reasons Why People Say, “That’s the Last Straw!”
Sometimes crazy things creep into our daily lives. When this happens often enough, it becomes impossible to remain calm. Misleading products, poor design and bad behavior of others…

Strange Situations Connect Us All in One Way or Another
No matter how different people are, we all have similar characteristics, even if we come from different countries. Just read this article and you will see that we all like to eat, we are all lazy sometimes and we all do unnecessary things….

A Terrible Word Where Failure is an Understatement
As JK Rowling once said, “It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to great success.” The example of his life in a wonderful way demonstrates this statement and shows us…

Annoying Things That Can Make Anyone Angry
No matter how different we are as people, there are some things most of us can relate to. For example, we’re sure many of you have experienced that moment when you want to put in your earplugs but decide…

Handymen Should’ve Skipped a Day at Work
Some jobs that involve construction or maintenance seem like the easiest thing to do. However, the results do not always live up to expectations. The most surprising thing is that there are people who only do a very simple task,…

Designers Who Got Carried Away By Creativity
Design is everywhere we look. From the colors used on our clothes to the paper used in our homes; but they say that anything can fail, so it is. But some internet users didn’t hesitate to expose the most glaring design failures. We bring…

Funny People Whose Sense of Humor Runs in The Family
Psychologists say that laughter helps us cope with stressful situations, which are useful in our daily lives. Although jokes cannot solve all problems, they still make our lives…