14 Dads Whose Parenting Style is Unlike Anything You’ve Seen Before
Fathers tend to behave more like friends to their children than guardians, which is why they are often called “fun parents.” In fact, regardless of how much time women now spend outside, they are still the ones who take care of their children in…

16 People It is Clear That They Are Not Interested in Being Good At Their Job
Sometimes we think that everyone understands certain things together. But if you look around you, you will realize that this could not be further from the truth. You may be asking for a kitchen sink thinking…

15 Beauty Salon Fails That Will Make You Never Want To Go Back Again
A beautiful toilet allows us the opportunity to relax and improve our appearance, but sometimes changes take time unexpectedly. Communication issues and artistic conflicts with stylists can make us change which leaves us…

14 Ideas That Don’t Have To Be True
We all have biases that we know we shouldn’t. However, sometimes the desire is strong! In our collection today, we have a few ideas that may look better on paper but actually turned out to be … Well, not as planned. Works perfectly! Hang in there! At least there’s…

Man ‘Marries’ AI Chatbot After Failing To Find Love With Humans
An American man ‘married’ an AI chatbot after falling in love with a human. While talking about her struggles in her love life with the AI, the narrator tells her to love him instead. Check out the full story below! North Carolina: A…

Delhi: Metro Travel Becomes Easy, WhatsApp Ticketing Service is Now Available On All Routes
Delhi Metro WhatsApp ticket service is available in English and Hindi. Passengers should text ‘Hi’ to +91 9650855800 on WhatsApp or scan the provided QR code to purchase…

This Hilarious Video of A Fish Wearing ‘Ghutra’ Has Been Viewed 35 Million Times
In the era of social media, a trend has emerged, especially attracting the attention of pet enthusiasts around the world. People are dressing up their pets more and more with natural costumes, whether it’s dressing up their cats in Halloween costumes or dressing up their pet…

These 10 Celebrities Who Look Like Totally New People Now
Our choice of body and style is the best way to express ourselves and our personality. And when celebrities decide to make drastic changes and completely change their…

5+ Good Reasons Why Curvy Women Make Men Charmed
The attractiveness of curvy women has long been a topic of discussion and speculation. Some people argue that men have an innate desire for a perfect figure, while others argue that these things are influenced by mainstream cultural ideas. But many men also openly talk about their love…

Woman Seen Talking On Mobile in 1938, People Surprised After Watching The Video
Time Travel: The time traveler has been a topic of discussion on Earth for a long time. Many Hollywood movies have been made that have shown time travel in a unique way. But the bigger question is: can we really travel through time? Can a time…