No matter how different we are as people, there are some things most of us can relate to. For example, we’re sure many of you have experienced that moment when you want to put in your earplugs but decide you’re going to be stung like a bunch of cold snakes.
Meme and Chill has collected some of the most important everyday problems that can make many of you angry and laugh at the same time.
Nobody told you that your cardigan came with 15 tags.

Some people don’t know what “in half” means.

Who wants pepperoni pizza?

Some people lose their target when they need it most.

Isn’t it amazing when one person fills 3 seats with their stuff?

Now all you need is to eat the paper as well!

It’s hard being married to someone who opens things this way.

A mistake that can’t be corrected no matter what.

Any sales assistant’s nightmare

Aliens do in fact walk among us every single day.

You’ll also wash your pants whether you want to or not.

Why don’t we just leave the door open?

This can cause a few strokes a day…

Why do zippers have to fail us so much?

The moment your keys decide that they don’t need their freedom anymore

The smart way phone companies take more money from you

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