
Annoying People Who Should Be Banished From Our Planet

Unfortunately, there are many people on our planet who do not want to be like everyone else, who go against the rules and do not follow any generally accepted rules of behavior and civilized society. We’re talking about people who can easily wash their underwear under the hood on an airplane, who can prop their legs between the seats on public transport, or who throw things away. them in a wildlife sanctuary.

Meme and Chill thinks that it is impossible to fix these people and therefore the best solution is to take them to another planet.

People who will spoil other people’s day just for laughs.

These guys specifically accelerated their car in that spot so that their exhaust came out right as they passed the biker.

People who use their phones as sandwich and mug holders.

Marketers who use these tricks for cheating buyers.

People who do shoddy work.

A family hired a guy to power wash the floors in their home. This is the way he did it.

People who ignore the norms of proper behavior in public.

This lady is shaving her legs in a hotel pool and she doesn’t even care about the kids swimming around.

People who drive on a freshly poured concrete road despite the presence of fencing.

Drivers who park against the rules.

People who just sit on any horizontal surface, even if it’s a shelf with products.

This woman sat down right on the cheese shelf.

Postmen who are too lazy to think properly.

It was raining when it was delivered but the postman still couldn’t put it in the dry spot.

Those who invade other people’s personal space.

People who think that littering on public transportation is normal.

Those who think that the barriers in museums were installed for anyone but them.

Those who don’t pay any attention to their kids in stores. Their kids usually tend to scream and scatter things from shelves.

Those who don’t mind drying their underwear in front of everyone.

Spectators that leave piles of trash in movie theaters after the movie is over.

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