
21 Hilarious Animals Acting Just Like Humans

Children observe and mimic the behavior of adults. Similarly, animals also notice human actions and adopt some of their traits. For instance, a cat mentioned in this article follows traffic laws, and a dog prefers to sleep under a blanket. Additionally, animals can experience human emotions such as gratitude, empathy, and excitement.

At Meme and Chill, we believe that our four-legged friends have feelings too! Read through this article to see for yourself.

A big doggo protecting its little sister

Dressed by its granny

“I’m terribly sorry, madam. I have absolutely no idea where he learned that word.”

Absolutely astounded


Healthy sleep

“Punch him!”


Family dinner

This dog works at Pets at Home.

When you’re really excited by art:

“There’s a dog wearing a hat and eating. Everyone’s just pretending like it’s no big deal.”

This cat is worried about her friend at the vet.

A sheep shows gratitude to a dog after saving them from a wolf attack.

This dog lives in the streets and comes to people to get fed.

Everyone needs cuddles.

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