Most situations have a funny side to them, even the most unpleasant or disturbing ones. It all depends on our thoughts and how we choose to accept the things that happen to us. But since nothing escapes bad events, some people choose to look on the bright side and consider them as funny stories for the future. After all, every problem will pass, so why not laugh in the face of it while we can?
We believe that our humor is the most powerful tool we have. We want to share some funky situations that will tickle your funny bone.
“Doing some writing in the shed, and this little fella stayed to watch for a while.”

“2 hummingbirds landed at the same time on my rods while out fishing.”

“Took my son to the museum, and he cared only about this fox in the bin.”

“This wood knot looks like Mike Wazowski.”

“Elf on the Walmart shelf”

“How my sister’s dog sleeps”

“A face I just discovered on a tree in my front yard”

“A piece of ice cream dropped from my spoon as I was scooping and it looks like a tiny shark.”

“A collection of rubber duckies on the dashboard of a car”

“A horse with a mustache”

“All he got was one bottle of ranch.”

’’A hummingbird chilled on my phone today.’’

“The sun hitting my phone just right and making a super defined reflection onto my dog”

When you decide to take a photo of your lunch:

’’This egg spilled out of a crack while cooking and looks like a little duck.’’

’’I went hiking for the first time in a while. My hiking boots are just as out of shape as I am.’’

’’This painting that my brother came across while traveling, looks exactly like him.’’

“This deflated balloon looks similar to a heart.”

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