
20 People Decided To Live Their Life With Humor

Football player and motivational speaker Ralph Marston once said that happiness is a choice, not an outcome. Life is not always about rainbows and butterflies, so we must strive to look on the meme and chill. And of course, that’s easier said than done. That’s why meme and chill has brought together these seemingly innocuous people for breakfast. Who knows? Their infectious joie de vivre can spoil you!

“Had fun with the snow mound that the city made when cleaning off the street.”

“My mom and her husband just goofing off”

“I had a little too much fun making this turkey-shaped challah bread for Thanksgiving.”

“My father can be childish at times.”



“This drawing sure makes Marilyn Monroe much more a-peel-ing.”

Kenny McCormick would be so proud.

Nothing to see here, just two guys living their Mortal Kombat fantasy

“They’re installing new sewers on my road, and the construction workers had a bit of fun.”

“These security guards at a tennis event. The one on the left said, ’Act like I’m the tennis ball.’”

“I painted myself painting myself drawing myself painting myself painting myself painting myself.”

“Went to a wedding this weekend. The bride had fun photobombing.”

“Saw the evil queen when my daughter was napping. Couldn’t resist.”

“My girlfriend told me not to have too much fun watching her dog for the day. Request denied!”

When you’re a Marvel cosplayer and you see some cracks on the pavement, you know you just have to.

This veterinarian must be moonlighting as a comedian.

“Got my ear pierced today and couldn’t resist.”

“Had to shave my beard. Couldn’t resist the opportunity.”

“My students got me into origami. Not the best, but had fun making an origami Yoda!”

“I put giant googly eyes on my fridge thinking it would be funny. Now I just feel like it’s judging my eating habits.”

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