A wise man named G.S. Merriam once said, “Humour is the engine oil of life. Without it, the machine shakes and groans. In fact, laughter adds light and positive feelings to our day. And life is better if we have good energy around us.
To keep your “machine” running, Meme and Chill has compiled a collection of fun photos that will add at least a few smiles to your day.
“Don’t take photos without me-ow!”

When something in the funny family photo went wrong…

“Just a classic wedding photo.”

“Bro didn’t skip leg day”

“How could they do that behind my back?!”

“Big brother is watching you!”

“It was a poster in an elevator in a hotel.”

“My daughter watching Thriller while pumpkin carving”

“That was a nice day at the museum.”

“Is it the old man who photobombed the boy, or the boy who photobombed the old man?”

Enjoying the sandwich and the view.

“Look at me!”

They say some dogs look like their owners.

“My daughter thought this was her. Bonus: My son in the background.”

Not everyone seems to be enjoying this.

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