We all like rules and restrictions, don’t we? We also have a large collection of instructions for our pets: where to sleep, what to eat, what to do and what not to do. But animals often have their own opinions and sometimes they get tired of being “good pets” and start doing whatever they want.
The Meme and chill also faced the rebels and today, we would like to show some pictures that show that animals love freedom and do not care about our rules.
Dogs do whatever they want!
This cat doesn’t agree.
“Oh, really?”
Quick improvisation
“I can’t read though.”
“I thought this was a cat feature…”
“Don’t mind my rebellious spirit.”
“Oh, are these beds for me? Thank you, I like the drawer.”
Goats are stubborn.
“I have to destroy this hint.”
You can’t just make a pigeon do what you want.
So what?
Cats always choose a comfy and warm bed to sleep in.
“Just what I need.”
“I’m not swimming, I’m sitting.”
This duck doesn’t care.
“We sent the dog outside for standing on our coffee table. This was his response.”
“Apparently my cat doesn’t like the new brand of cat food.”
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