Our brains love to play tricks on us by thinking. For example, the Baader Meinhof phenomenon is one of them, where it seems that the newly learned information chases us and we begin to perceive it as a “sign”. With all the prejudices out there, it’s no wonder that all of us have had attention problems. Therefore, entering the room and forgetting what you need, talking on the phone and thinking that it has been lost, or working in slippers are some of the rare examples that can happen us.
We at Meme and chill try not to ignore anything, but in spite of everything, some of the distractions that the writers and stories we get have happened in our lives.
“I guess this is why I shouldn’t put my coffee next to my paint water.”

“So my mother learned that you can boil an unopened can of condensed milk to make a caramel. The first few times it worked great, this last time she fell asleep while it was boiling.”

“Took the pill while half asleep and later saw this.”

“Just got home after a month out to find the water running in the bathtub.”

“That filled up fast!” -my wife

“Someone didn’t put the lid on the paint.”

“We only ate pancakes on special occasions. Today we found out that the syrup we had been using expired 7 years ago.”

“Just finished braiding my hair when I found this strand on the back of my neck.”

“My friend and I were watching a horror movie. Whenever a creepy scene appeared, I would hide my face on my friend’s shoulder. Turns out, I forgot to remove my makeup. Now, look what we’ve got.”

“I somehow forgot to put water in the cup before microwaving the ramen. Now my house smells disgusting.”

“After my 17th near-heart-attack, I realized that I really needed to move my lamp.”

“I didn’t notice that the door to my bedroom wasn’t shut properly. At night I woke up to terrible sounds with the thought that a monster was swarming just under the ceiling. When I turned on the flashlight, I saw this!”

“I was about to pour myself a drink when I realized that 2 of my ice cubes were actually pizza rolls.”

“I do calligraphy. I misplaced the circled in character, which is part of a 300-word scroll that I almost finished after 5 days of work.”

“Just realized I went into the bank and the grocery store like this.”

“Accidentally pushed broil instead of bake.”

“Soaking my hands in milk to help cut through the chili oil from prepping jalapeños. No, I didn’t wear gloves. Yes, I’m a fool.”

“So I forgot to pack my gym shoes.”

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