It often feels like children live in their own world, with a unique way of thinking that differs entirely from adults. Interestingly, scientists have found some truth in this — for instance, children’s imaginations often bring the things around them to life. They tend to believe that objects have a life similar to their own, which fuels their boundless creativity.
Meme and Chill, we discovered these pictures showcasing children with brilliant and uniquely creative ideas.
’’I told our kid to go put the pizza costume back where it belongs.’’

’’My nephew wanted a portrait of George Washington. Thank goodness he didn’t want a portrait of Ben Franklin.’’

’’My friend’s daughter had ’crazy hair day’ at school today.’’

“My little sister vs the Roomba”

’’She wanted to take a bath.’’

’’The way my daughter ’locked up’ her brand new bike’’

“My 2-year-old hiding from us”

A new way of sleeping

’’I told my 5-year-old son that if he could blow it up, he could jump on it.’’

’’I told my 2-year-old to put her shoes by the front door.’’

’’How my son eats his pizza’’

“My 3-year-old took a bite out of the toilet paper roll.”

’’I had a sneezing attack and my daughter made me a ’potion’ to feel better.’’

“We got a $150 pool, but he prefers a paint bucket.”

’’This is my 3-year-old cleaning his potty with my toothbrush.’’

“This is our daughter’s way of letting us know she woke up from her nap.”

’’My dad told my son to get ready for a bedtime story adventure, so he grabbed his warm hat and a flashlight.’’

“Demanded cereal on a plate…with a fork.”

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