All of us can feel at least 27 different emotions, scientists said. Sometimes life gives us such a bad show that we can feel many of these feelings at the same time. We bet you’re in a situation where you don’t know whether to laugh or cry, nod or roll your eyes.
We at Meme and Chill know the feeling of not being able to decide whether to laugh or scratch our heads in fear. Today, we have collected some examples of such situations and we would like you to experience different emotions with us.
“This was my son’s reaction to an Easter bunny today at the daycare.”

“Some dude got his car covered in plastic wrap.”

“My girlfriend’s son likes to wear costumes, sometimes more than one. He fell asleep and we got a dragon choking on a dinosaur.”

“This is what happens when you vacuum at an animal shelter.”

“At the last minute, my son told me it was Crazy Hat Day at school.”

“Asked my son to get dressed. Came out to this.”

“And that’s when I knew my kid was done with taking family photos.”

“My son, 2 years ago — we have since upgraded to a bigger wagon.”

“My friend’s 5-year-old son made him a sandwich for work. Couldn’t stop laughing when he opened his lunch box.”

“I introduced my cat to my newborn.”

“We were trying to take a pic of our husky with its mouth open by throwing cheese at her. This was the result.”

“Welp…there goes her new bed.”

“My son had to have a chest X-ray. There could be a less weird way to do it.”

“So my brother couldn’t find his keys this morning and was late for work…his 2-year-old son had borrowed them.”

“A guy riding down the road holding a dresser on top of a car on a 50 MPH road”

“Forgot my wife was away — rolled over in bed to see this!”

“The kid enjoyed his first time at Hooters.”

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