
16 Hilarious Cats Caught Sleeping in the Strangest Positions

Cats have truly perfected the art of sleeping, which isn’t surprising given that they spend most of their day snoozing. What does surprise us, however, are the gravity-defying positions they manage to sleep in. These quirky poses often leave us either amazed or slightly bewildered, but as long as they’re comfortable, we can’t really complain. Plus, they make for some of the funniest pictures!

Meme and Chill is excited to share 16 photos of these furry contortionists that left us in awe. And don’t miss the last picture – it includes a fun little puzzle just for you!

As if we needed more proof that cats defy the laws of physics…

Not sure if the cat is dreaming of sunbathing or flying.

Someone had an exhausting day at work.

A cat’s mission is to find every spot suitable for sleeping.

We can tell that this cat is very comfortable.

Another cat that doesn’t need a blanket to cover itself!

Enjoying the sunshine

When your nap is so good, you start melting:

Always be camouflaged, even when you’re sleeping.

We think this cat is dreaming of flying like Superman.

Here’s your puzzle! How long did it take you to find its head?

When you don’t have a blanket, so you need to cover yourself with your own legs

In the newest cat bed, you can roll around while sleeping.

Pocket kitten taking a little nap

Who needs cat beds anyway?

When you’re so tired that you can’t even make it to bed:

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