Having surprises in our lives seems to be important for our brain as it increases our dopamine levels. And surprises are not only when our friends show up at our door on our birthdays, but also small everyday events. For example, we can see a person peeling fruit in the most spectacular way. Even something as simple as this can boost our brain and give us a much needed boost. Meme and Chill all and know that there are many people with special abilities, and we are here to see 15 of them.
’’This is how I eat Cheetos at the office.’’

“I stacked up all the books that I read in 2021 and the pile was as high as my chest.”

’’How my dad reads a book’’

’’This tin foil rose my wife made me for our 10-year ’tin’ anniversary’’

’’My girlfriend makes the most amazing sushi.’’

’’The power button on the TV broke. This is how my dad fixed it.’’

’’My son has figured out how to keep the dog from stealing his breadsticks.’’

“My son holds his water bottle with his foot.”

“This grave is used for vegetable gardening.”

“How my buddy keeps his cats from using his potted plants as a litter box”

’’The guy I work with held this rose on his nose for over 30 seconds.’’

’’My friend makes epoxy resin pyramids with food.’’

“How my wife peels a clementine”

’’I spent 5 hours making my driveway chalk masterpiece and finished right before it started raining.’’