If laughter truly is the best medicine, then some people are the ultimate remedy. They have an extraordinary talent for lifting our spirits with humor, especially through their playful jokes about almost anything. Some even teach us how to face serious challenges, like health issues, with a sense of humor.
Meme and Chill shines a light on those individuals who were born with the gift of making us laugh.
“My mom sent me a picture of her water bottle with the caption ’I’ll get you next time Optimus!’”

“I pranked my wife.”

“I made this little guy to scare my husband in the morning!”

“Last year I forgot to get batteries for my niece’s toy so this year she got me this.”

“My son told my husband there was a lot of water coming from under the sink to the fridge.”

“My husband gifted me a bandana banana.”

“My wife’s interesting choice of words for our anniversary cake!”

“My 12-year-old daughter’s sense of humor is showing.”

“My daughter called me on my way back from the store stating that our toilet had a huge leak. I came home to this…”

“After years of saving I finally bought a house.”

“My cousins have Alopecia Universalis and an excellent sense of humor.”

“Some of my wife’s clothes require level 100 folding and I am only a meager level 68. Help.”

“Although I know she’s worried about the hurricane, my mom still keeps her sense of humor about it.”

“Our friend is buying his first home today, so we worked with his realtor to be sure this is the first thing waiting for him in his kitchen.”

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