No 2 days are the same, that’s what makes life so special and exciting. And we will learn to accept with open arms all the little surprises that the Universe is waiting for us, even the most angry or annoying. Because although these things can hurt right away, they are the ones that make us the most significant memories and are the most interesting part of our life story.
Meme and chill believes that we will never have a dull moment in our day if we allow ourselves to live fully in the present moment. We will share some pictures that show how magical life is.
’’I got an empty mozzarella stick.’’

’’Just finished this 1000-piece puzzle to discover that the last piece is wrong.’’

’’My quarter fell out of my pocket into the vent but got caught, so now it’s taunting me.’’

’’Got my boyfriend some nice imported cookies, turns out he’s a monster.’’

’’My online order: 2 different colors, 2 different sizes, and both left shoes. Lovely.’’

’’Guess I’m not getting in my car.’’

’’Did I do something wrong?’’

’’I married someone who does this.’’

’’I started shaving my hair when my razor died, right before I was supposed to go have dinner with my girlfriend’s family.’’

’’I was having lunch when this duck came and drank my juice.’’

’’I just ate a receipt.’’

’’It fell off when I was walking to school.’’

’’He was so casual we almost didn’t notice him next to our table.’’

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