
15 Moments That Show a Child’s Mind Will Always Be a Mystery to Parents

When it comes to wild imagination, a bored child often takes the crown. It seems like children’s primary mission is to test their parents’ patience. While parents may feel justifiably angry or frustrated by their kids’ antics, these moments often become the most cherished memories they hold onto. We’ve all seen our parents’ faces light up as they recall stories from our childhood at the dinner table.

Meme and Chill is captivated by the lengths some kids will go to capture their busy parents’ attention. Here are some situations that prove a child’s mind knows no bounds.

“My nephew wanted a portrait of George Washington. Thank goodness he didn’t want a portrait of Ben Franklin.”

“My friend’s 17-year-old daughter drove for 20 minutes on this after it started ’sounding funny’.”

“My toddler is giving our toilet paper a bath.”

“My nephew’s new hobby”

“For Thanksgiving, they asked my son what he was thankful for…”

“The kids made me breakfast in bed.”

“The way my brother likes to watch YouTube.”

’’My sister drew on her passport.’’

’’He wants to change is jacket because the snails will think he’s a giant leaf and eat him.’’

“I know y’all have heard pineapple on pizza. What has my child done?”

“My 1-year-old niece tore the keys off my keyboard when I wasn’t home.”

“My son cornered and tried to pet an injured squirrel. Didn’t go well.”

’’He wanted to make sure it had a ’long neck’.’’

“This brilliant decision my son made. He really wanted a Minion I guess.”

“My sister’s history homework: What did medieval nobles eat?”

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