Sometimes, adding a child to your life can bring an unexpected burst of excitement. These little ones are constantly thinking outside the box, often coming up with ideas so creative and amusing that they leave us in fits of laughter. Even if you’re not a parent, you might still experience some of the funniest moments of your life thanks to a child’s antics.
Meme and Chill encourages you to explore the delightful and humorous world of kids.
My younger cousin walked over to me and said he got new earrings.
My 2-year-old lined up his cars for the big race.
We were playing hide and seek…
From a book I wrote in 1st grade.
Found this banana.
My son asked if the water in his cup from the Mexican restaurant was “Mexican water.”
Guess there’s no need to cook for Sunday.
I know y’all have heard of pineapple on pizza. What has my child done?
My 6-year-old made this stick person and I die every time I look at it.
My little girl made this for me.
She wanted to feed the toilet.
My daughter just ran to me and said, “It’s spicy” after eating this.
I love when the evening light brings the bite marks out in our sofa….
Went to take a picture of my girlfriend when suddenly…
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