It takes a lot of thought to be a designer. After all, we will not pay attention to a product, no matter how useful or valuable, if the packaging does not immediately appeal to us. But some artists went far in time their master and their master and give us a good reason to laugh.
Here, in a good way we can’t help but we have a scroll to these pictures that have the chance to find something nature.
“This 500 dollar toilet at my local warehouse store.”

“Back in high school we had a teacher who would always wear these.”

“You never know what you will find in an antique shop.”

“Meet the LOBS”

“Measure cooking ingredients by the rule of thumb.”

“These jean handbags”

“Crepe Barbie”

“Kinda thought about buying one for myself.”

“Cheese grater + bulb = lamp?”

“I’d like to have been in the design meeting discussing what words should be sequined onto the heel of their shoe purse idea.”

“This toilet”

“Armadillo purse”

“Denim dinnerware”

“Rake and shovel table set.”

“These neon shoes.”

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