Some four-legged friends simply don’t agree with inside the idea of personal area. whether they’re plopping onto your pc mid-Zoom name, following you into the bathroom like a bodyguard, or perching on your head like a hat, these guys have one rule: if you exist, you have to be sat on.
The throne has been claimed.
“So this is what I have to deal with now…”
“Our older cat just realized that our kitten has gotten big enough to put up a fight…”
“Someone doesn’t understand personal space.”
“I don’t know if I really need to say it, but this was the highlight of my trip to beautiful Iceland!”
“Here, have some of my scent right up your nose.”
“Cooper has no concept of personal space.”
“Ok, so, not in my face, but still pretty personal, I think. Lol.”
“Who’s invading who’s space here?”
“I guess my puppy doesn’t know how big he is anymore.”
100% unbothered.
“He’s waiting for me to pass by so he can pounce on my face.”
Personal space? Never heard of it.
“Just as long as you’re comfortable!”