
Relatable and Hilarious Moments Only Parents Will Understand

We’ve all likely seen pictures of perfect parents with their perfect kids on social media. However, if you have children, you know it’s just a facade to make their reality seem better than it actually is.

Parenthood may not always be rosy, but the joy and love our kids bring us is priceless. So don’t get upset about colored walls, damaged clothes, and spilled flour.

Meme and Chill has gathered photos showcasing the unfiltered lives of parents with their energetic kids.

Because babies have their own beauty standards.

And their clothes literally burn.

Sometimes you even want to buy a device that can slow down your child.

You’re also a bad parent because you wouldn’t let them eat a lollipop after it dropped on the floor right next to a crusty piece of mud from outside.

This mom has just bathed and changed her baby’s clothes. Guess what happens next?

If a child finds markers, they color all the walls.

…and themselves.

They’ll definitely like the taste of your lipstick.

And you’ll have to clean your sofa.

If they don’t eat, they definitely try.

They’ll make a mess.

“Put things where toddlers can’t reach them,” they said…

Sometimes you just want to take a photo. But you get this:

They don’t really like each other.

When you say it’s time to go to bed:

When your child cleans their room:

But sometimes everything changes.

No personal space

They don’t need a sofa either.

And they literally stand on our heads.

“Parenting tiny humans summed up in one photo.”


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