
19 People Who Born Under This Lucky Star

You are considered lucky if you have ever won the food lottery, a helmet saved your life, or found a lost ring after 10 years. Sometimes life gives us a second chance and we call it lucky stars. Thanks to those who had cameras in their hands at the right time, we have proof that some supernatural forces managed to save us.

Meme and Chill found 19 photos of people who must have been born under a lucky star.

This person won the food lottery!

Never forget about safety…

Stupid, but lucky!

“Hey, eggplant, nice to meet you!”

Well, he should save this t-shirt.

Lucky boy — he will never forget this moment.

This probably saved 2 lives.


Oh, yes! This guy is a winner.

The moment when you’re unlucky, but still super lucky:

“Next time, I’ll go shopping with him…”

This fish has no idea it’s their lucky day.


Smart tree

It’s always nice when you don’t have to deal with your insurance company.

The ring is back!

This is the beginning of a second life.

“These blueberries made her day.”

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