
Hilarious Images Where The Background Tells The Whole Story

There’s a reason film academies give awards for best supporting roles. The background is where the most unexpected and fun things happen. We’ve seen hundreds of pictures of internet users with real photo bombs that people don’t immediately notice. In this article, we’ve rounded up the best of them just for you.

We have collected hilarious images where the most interesting things happen in the background. And at the end of the article, be sure to read the additional section on a hungry seal.

“Looking through old pictures of myself, I never realized the mildly interesting background.”

Mermaid photobomb

Policemen can be way more fun than you think

The boy in the back is going through an existential crisis

“I took a selfie and saw myself 20 years in the future.”

Largest photo bomb ever

This is the perfect photo

“I hate it when my girlfriend takes pictures of me sleeping!”

“I had this on my refrigerator for 6 years before I noticed it.”

“My friend’s photobomb – he was looking for keys.”

“She’s not the only one who thinks that this pose is great.”

When you take a selfie but nobody cares about you

When your human takes a photo of another cat and it makes you sad

“She saw an opportunity and ran with it!”

“Just hanging out, kids playing in the leaves, smoking some chicken on the grill – oh and our dog…”

Photobombed by Batman!

My wife wanted to take a picture of me with a yellowtail. She said, ‘Smile!’ and pressed the button. When she looked up, I was gone.”

Somebody is too talented for all these family photo shoots…

The oddly flat man in the background makes this look like two different photos

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