
Hilarious People Who Make Normal Look Weird

Lady Gaga once said that “It’s okay to be weird. And maybe your weird is my normality. Who can tell? I think it’s an attitude.” With this quote, you are basically saying that being weird is a very subjective matter and each of us is so different that the word itself loses its meaning. If we were all 100% normal, as society defines, then what would we be? talk and watch on TV? Of course, life would be very boring.

We have collected some images where random people make something weird look completely normal, making us all admire.

Who needs a plate?

2 cups and no mouth

It works with all kinds of lenses

Safety just isn’t his strong game

It’s just like hanging your purse

No entry allowed

It might not be the most comfortable, but it will do

He’s ready for his business meeting

It’s a genius way to protect your car from the rain

Technology doesn’t have to come at a price

It’s just mud. How bad can it be?

He may never get the opportunity to do it in the ocean

If the sun was out, it would be like a day at the beach

 When your vacation is a thousand miles away

Who’s up for a couch ride?

So, what happens in case of a crash?

We’ve never seen chickens this happy

No extra helmet? No problem

Spending some quality time with mom

This way sleepy time becomes a game

New at Starbucks: the bean smoothie

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